Wingwave coaching is based on the latest findings from the field of brain research. It helps you to quickly and noticeably reduce performance-based stress and to increase creativity and performance.

Use wingwave coaching to drive forward your success

The wingwave method is a form of performance-based and emotion-based coaching that, already in just a few sessions, leads to a quick and noticeable reduction of performance-based stress in the coachee and to an increase in creativity, mental agility and resilience to conflict.

This effect is achieved by a seemingly simple and basic intervention: creating an awareness of the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phases, which we humans otherwise only experience in our dreams when we are at sleep at night. The coach guides the coachee’s gaze horizontally back and forth with rapid hand movements.

With the so-called muscle feedback instrument, which has been particularly well researched, the issue in question is determined beforehand and the effectiveness of the intervention is checked afterwards. Achieve and maintain your optimal performance through

  • precise success coaching,
  • the rapid reduction of anxiety and stress,
  • creative momentum through positive emotions and inner balance.

Finding your inner balance and reducing stress through the effective coaching of emotions.

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